Does Modafinil Help Treat ADHD?

Modafinil for ADHD

So of course one of Modafinils primary prescription uses is to treat ADHD, along with a fair few other focus/attention disorders and sleep disorders. As Modafinil increases your concentration and creates a tunnel vision affect on whatever the task at hand may be, there is no doubt that Modafinil is an ideal cure for ADHD. If you are a patient suffering from this disorder you should go to your doctor and enquire for yourself about getting a prescription for the over the counter brand of Modafinil know as Provigil.

Something to also keep in mind is that over the counter prescriptions for Modafinil is drastically more expensive than self prescribing through an online supplier such as Afinil Express. A 30 day supply through Afinil Express will cost around $100 where as an over the counter prescription can come to as high as $1000 for a 30 day supply.


Over the past decade Modaifnil has rapidly came forward as being one of the leading and most effective treatments for ADHD, with a proven track record for improving attention processing and executive function. There was even a study that went up in 2005 on Modafinil that pointed to the fact that Modafinil significantly alleviated core ADHD symptoms in children and resulted in less hyperactivity and inattention. In fact 48% of the students that underwent this 9 week study were marked down as significantly improved.


In conclusion Modafinil is definitely a chief cure for ADHD but you may want to look into self prescribing through an Off Label use of Modafinil as the prescription brand Provigil is going to come in on the pricey side to say the least.

P.S. If you want to try modafinil, I highly recommend ordering from a trusted source. Click on the button below to visit our top recommendation.

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