Is Modafinil a Scam? Truth vs Hype


Over the past decade Modafinil has rapidly grown in popularity with it, of course, excelling in a few key areas. It has gained popularity amongst not only business people with high stress day to day work environments but also gained a great reputation amongst the student community, with Modafinil now being a leading competitor on the Smart Drug Market competing with big names such as Ritalin and Adderall. Now of course these two areas are just two of many, many different fields that Modafinil is currently being used in. Another interesting field Modafinil has had an affect on is of course the Medical community with Modafinil being a chief cure for conditions such as Narcolepsy and ADHD.

The Sceptics

Now as with anything that gains popularity, there will always be sceptics and in the case of Modafinil the sceptics are asking the question “Does Modafinil live up to the Hype?”. Well if a Modafinil user has explained Modafinil to you, you can probably relate to the fact that, they are usually quite excited about their new found focus enhancer and, as a result of which, a new found energy and work ethic. Now its only natural that someone sitting on the fence about Modafinil, hearing of all the potential positive affects it could have on them, might be a little unsure about weather this ‘Smart Drug’ aka ‘Cognitive Enhancer’ really lives up to its reputation. Well the fact of the matter is, Modafinil is GREAT in certain areas, not so great in others. Just like any other Smart Drug or substance, no single drug has a positive effect in all areas and you must figure out if what you are using Modafinil for is a practical use for this Smart Drug.

Positive Effect

Modafinil is a Cognitive Enhancer designed to clear brain fog, boost wakefulness, alertness and overall seems to give the user a new found energy. Now with this energy, if directed towards a task or series of tasks, the user has the ability to create a Tunnel Vision like effect onto whatever the task at hand may be. This tunnel vision type affect is extremely effective when applied to more or less ‘Black & White’ tasks e.g. straight forward tasks such as ready, writing & studying. I think this works best because it does not require any extreme thought or brain power on your part as your brain essentially already knows what to do and has done these tasks many times in the past, so its really just a matter of getting on with the task.

Negative Effect/Conclusion

An area I know Modafinil does not really excel  in is of course the creative industry. Like we have just previously talked about, Modafinil gives huge bursts of Wake-fullness and Alertness which essentially then converts into energy and as a result of which the user feels Motivated. However Modafinil also has a tendency to limit free thinking and tends to narrow down your brain into more of a practical and less open minded head space, a state of mind that is definitely not good for creativity as your thoughts essentially need to be running wild and all over the place to zone in on the majority of creativity based tasks. Our overall conclusion would be to stick to using Modafinil for the more Black & White, simpler of tasks and steer clear of anything that needs wild running thoughts.

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